Academic Scholarships
The North Carolina Recreation & Parks Scholarship Foundation (NCRPSF) provides scholarships to assist undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing careers in public parks and recreation. Scholarships are granted per academic year and typically range from $1,000 to $3,000. The eligibility criteria are included below. The Foundation will accept applications for the upcoming school year from students who meet the requirements and submit all required information. Applications typically open by mid-February and must be submitted by midnight on April 1st.
Undergraduate Scholarships:
Rising college Juniors through Seniors not graduating in Spring 2026 enrolled full-time in a four year curriculum at a North Carolina college or university and enrolled in a major, concentration or emphasis in parks and recreation and/or related fields.
Must be enrolled for the upcoming semester to be eligible for the award.
A cumulative “B” average (3.0 on a 4.0 system) or higher, through the previous semester. This will be verified by your academic advisor.
Must be a current member of the North Carolina Recreation and Park Association. For assistance, contact
Graduate Scholarships:
Applicant must be a current graduate student in public parks and recreation or related field at a college or university in the state of North Carolina and enrolled for the upcoming semester.
Applicant must have completed at least one (1) semester of graduate study and at time of application, must be currently enrolled in a graduate curriculum
Applicant must be a current NCRPA member ( For assistance, contact